Amazing. I am a 17 year old baseball player. My shoulder has hurt since I was 9. I just had my very first Seimei session, and in less than an hour I have NO pain. None. I have no words except WOW.
My mind was racing with repeated thoughts and I was consumed with anxiety. I couldn't get my mind calm. Erin came over and to give me a session. I felt relief almost instantly. By the end of the session, my mind was blank. I could finally relax and sleep. I am so grateful for Seimei.
Thank you for the excellent Seimei session you gave me after I fell and injured my shoulder. Without your care and insight, I know things would have been much worse.
When I tried to return to play in my basketball men's league, my sprained ankle started hurting again. During a holiday party, my cousin asked if she could try to take the pain away. I humored her and agreed. I was shocked. Not only did the pain go away, I could point my toe all the way. I hadn't been able to do that in months since the injury. I was shocked.
Look at the difference in Tequila's paws after a series of Seimei sessions!
I had a Seimei appointment and I always bring my 7 month old infant. They do a mini session on him. We went into the room with the statue from Japan. He was infatuated with him, pulling himself towards it to touch it. After our sessions, he had the sweetest giggle fest of pure joy and happiness.
A couple of weeks ago I had a cataract surgery. The surgery went well and I asked Elizabeth if she would do some Seimei on me. Of course she said yes and worked on me. I experienced an improvement. 5 days later I asked her to do another session knowing it would help even more and this time the improvement was even greater, not
just in my eye but in my whole body. I feel noticeably lighter and other aches & pains have also decreased.
The Seimei practitioners are amazing! The last three weeks were very hard for my family. My mother had open heart surgery, my son had a high fever, and I was full of anxiety. She guided me through how to use the charms and used Seimei to lower my son's fever while she was at her house! I suffer from chronic migraines and she was able to shorten my migraine dramatically. This kind of community and support is very important to my family and i am so grateful.